
Our well-being and the well-being of our animal are very closely related. If we are doing well, taking good care of ourselves and being balanced, our animal reflects this to us and is balanced itself.
So we have a big impact on the emotional and physical health of our animals. It is important to understand that we accept the connection to our animals and not try to hide anything from them. We will not succeed in this. They listen to our hearts and they don't lie.
Wearing a mask between people and not showing what it looks like on the inside is quite easy for most people. However, we are allowed to remove these masks from our animals.
So it can be very important for the recovery of our animal to look inside ourselves to see how we are doing.
If you wish, I offer phone conversations or we integrate the conversation during a treatment.
Hand on heart - which person who shares their life with an animal does not wish for a loving coexistence with their animal?

A careful handling of our animal, perceiving and respecting its needs and desires, can bring about a big change in the relationship. If we give our animal the space to communicate, communication can occur in both directions. While a one-way communication, only from us humans, can lead to frustration in the animal and thus to conflicts. Our animal does not feel noticed, not important in the relationship and, conversely, we humans will not be important to him either. In unsafe situations, such as road traffic, encounters with other animals, etc., this can be very cumbersome and also dangerous. A good basis of trust is very important, and building this is the key to a mindful relationship in which animal and human feel safe and enjoy discovering and learning new things together.

What can I do for you?

I accompany you into a new perception of your animal, help you to recognize what your animal communicates to you and reflects to you.
Animals sense our frequencies with their fine senses. If we are absent with our thoughts, stressed or sad - our animals recognize this immediately and reflect our state of mind.

This means that in our coaching you will not only experience a new perception and new perspective regarding your animal, but also towards yourself. Our animals are our greatest teachers if we are open to recognizing and accepting their wisdom.

Here is what we can learn through our connections with animals:
  • live and accept unconditional love
  • loyalty, trust and community
  • live in the moment
  • stress management
  • act intuitively and emphatically
  • improved body awareness

love trust connection respect

What is possible?

In order to refine the perception of each other and thus the relationship with your animal, it usually takes less than you think. It's much more about letting go of old thought patterns and demands, especially on yourself, in order to live an easy and joyful togetherness with your animal. We often get stuck in old patterns that prevent us from choosing new, easier paths.
Here are some behavior examples that show you that your animal wants to tell you something:
  • Your horse cannot be taken from the pasture, difficult to separate from the herd
  • Difficulty with walks, ground work, horseback riding
  • aggressiveness
  • You feel ignored by your animal
  • Your animal does not hear, quickly panics
The expressions of your animal can be very delicate or clearer. The greater the conflicts between you, the more stuck are the patterns in which you find yourself. So that means - take a deep breath, take a step back and let go of all demands. This isn't always easy, and it takes a desire from the bottom of your heart to want to bring about change. If so, I am very happy to be there for you to accompany you on this journey.

love trust connection respect

We humans are generally very top-heavy. Due to a stressful everyday life, we are often not in contact with our heart. Our animals communicate with each other via heart energy. They respond to our heart rate, which is low when we're stressed or sad and high when we're happy and relaxed. This is not something we can stop. We should embrace and use it for our common good.
When we connect our hearts with the hearts of the animals during a meditation, a beautiful space is created where both can meet in a completely new way and come to rest. Our animals, especially the horses, are usually set to "work" when humans come around the corner. Something is required of them. During a meditation it is not about demand, but simply about being. Everything is allowed, nothing must. The animals love it and you can sense their curiosity about the gentle, the new and the unknown.
If you would like to learn to connect with your animal on a deeper level, or if you would like to feel how healing meditation can be in general, please contact me.
I offer guided meditations with my horses, come home privately for a one-to-one meditation or come to you for organized meetings.
Feel free to get in touch, I look forward to hearing from you and your questions:
0177 5079360

how i can help you

My support for you consists of coaching talks, on site or location-independent by phone/Skype. We illuminate your current situation and look exactly where changes in your perception are necessary. Right. It's mostly about you. Our animals often reflect how they perceive us and show this in their behavior. They don't try to tease us at whim or disobey us to risk eventual "penalties". Usually there is a miscommunication that results from the fact that we humans are distracted in our thoughts and patterns.
So the approach is up to you, and often it only takes a little inspiration to open up new perceptions and perspectives for you. These small changes mean a lot in communication with your animal and can already have a lot of positive effects.

what is possible

In order to refine the perception of each other and thus the relationship with your animal, it usually takes less than you think. It's much more about letting go of old thought patterns and demands, especially on yourself, in order to live an easy and joyful togetherness with your animal. We often get stuck in old patterns that prevent us from choosing new, easier paths.
Here are some behavior examples that show you that your animal wants to tell you something:
  • Your horse cannot be taken from the pasture, difficult to separate from the herd
  • Difficulty with walks, ground work, horseback riding
  • aggressiveness
  • You feel ignored by your animal
  • Your animal does not hear, quickly panics
The expressions of your animal can be very delicate or clearer. The greater the conflicts between you, the more stuck are the patterns in which you find yourself. So that means - take a deep breath, take a step back and let go of all demands. This isn't always easy, and it takes a desire from the bottom of your heart to want to bring about change. If so, I am very happy to be there for you to accompany you on this journey.

how i can help you

My support for you consists of coaching talks, on site or location-independent by phone/Skype. We illuminate your current situation and look exactly where changes in your perception are necessary. Right. It's mostly about you. Our animals often reflect how they perceive us and show this in their behavior. They don't try to tease us at whim or disobey us to risk eventual "penalties". Usually there is a miscommunication that results from the fact that we humans are distracted in our thoughts and patterns.
So the approach is up to you, and often it only takes a little inspiration to open up new perceptions and perspectives for you. These small changes mean a lot in communication with your animal and can already have a lot of positive effects.

My offer for
You &your animal

Everyone is individually different and has their own pace to process and implement new things, and that's exactly right. Everything happens in a safe space - without judgment, without pressure. My wish for you is that you feel safe, that you can open up in our conversations and also in the exercises with your animal.
Our joint work will consist of discussions, and if you are in a radius that I can reach, I would be happy to make appointments on site, at which an accompanying cranio-sacral session can take place for your animal. Between the appointments there will be "homework" for you and your animal, consisting of mindfulness exercises, meditation and body/energy work.
Here some examples:

My offer for
You &your animal

Everyone is individually different and has their own pace to process and implement new things, and that's exactly right. Everything happens in a safe space - without judgment, without pressure. My wish for you is that you feel safe, that you can open up in our conversations and also in the exercises with your animal.
Our joint work will consist of discussions, and if you are in a radius that I can reach, I would be happy to make appointments on site, at which an accompanying cranio-sacral session can take place for your animal. Between the appointments there will be "homework" for you and your animal, consisting of mindfulness exercises, meditation and body/energy work.
Here some examples:

coaching packages

coaching packages

3 x 60 minutes
- Coaching sessions by phone/Skype approx. 1 hour
- Homework in the form of mindfulness/physical exercises, meditations
- Whatsapp escort
€ 450.00

5 x 60 minutes
- Coaching sessions by phone/Skype approx. 1 hour
- Homework in the form of mindfulness/physical exercises, meditations
- Whatsapp escort
€ 750.00 give away

6 weeks of listening to heart individual coaching
This program comes from my online course from 2019.
After this intensive individual intensive coaching of 6 weeks, you will have a more attentive, deeper and more loving connection to your animal, your environment and above all to yourself. You get to know yourself in many exercises and meditations, to open your heart and to connect deeply with your animal, which is always at your side.
In addition to weekly coaching sessions, the course includes a new, fixed topic each week, which builds on the topic of the previous week. I am available to you at all times and lovingly accompany you through all the topics and patterns that may arise with you and your animal.
This is an investment in your future together, one in which you will be physically and emotionally healthier, communicate more easily, and experience a fundamentally new understanding of one another.
€ 1,200.00

As already mentioned - we all have individual needs. We have every opportunity to find exactly the right package for you and your pet. Please feel free to contact me! We would be happy to find out in a first 20-minute free conversation. Here we can also see whether the chemistry between us is right, which is very essential for further cooperation. Of course, I am always happy to answer any further questions. You can find contact options below.
As already mentioned - we all have individual needs. We have every opportunity to find exactly the right package for you and your pet. Please feel free to contact me! We would be happy to find out in a first 20-minute free conversation. Here we can also see whether the chemistry between us is right, which is very essential for further cooperation. Of course, I am always happy to answer any further questions. You can find contact options below.
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