Raindrop technique

Raindrop Technique® for animals
The Raindrop-Technique® is a massage treatment originally from the USA and developed by a Lakota Indian medicine man together with Gary Young, the founder of Young Living™ Essential Oils.
It is a special form of massage that uses special reflex grips, such as the Vita Flex grip, gentle grips such as feather strokes, to bring the 100% pure oils deep into the tissue, muscles and other structures, where they have a supportive effect leave.
The composition of the oils is individually tailored to the needs of the animals.
All body systems are addressed and supported in their healthy function.
The Raindrop-Technique® helps in normal everyday life to a balanced being, a good body feeling and a healthy self-confidence.
This massage and the oils also promote and support: A healthy immune system
- a healthy and flexible musculoskeletal system
- a stimulated metabolism and good blood circulation
- good digestion and supports the excretory organs
- a stable cardiovascular system
- a healthy lymph flow
- a stable psyche to more balance
- an all-round good body feeling
- a loving relationship between humans and animals

Raindrop Technique® Seminars
Would you like to learn the Raindrop-Technique® yourself to support your pet's health in the best possible way and create a deeper bond between you and your pet?
I offer workshops in the form of weekend seminars!

Theoretical part:
manufacture of the oils
Presentation of the individual oils and the grip techniques
Indication and contraindication

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