Hoften the smallest signs are missed, or it gets overout of ignorance, or to demonstrate dominance over the animal. However, for a good basis of trust between humans and animals and for the health of the animal, it is important to learn to recognize these signs before they lead to major conflicts, for example in handling. If you are unsure whether you are interpreting the signs of your animal correctly, you are welcome to contact me at any time and ask me. I'm available at any time. Better to ask too many questions than cause unnecessary suffering.
In the sessions with your animal, I am there with all my heart and give your animal the time it needs to allow the process. This always varies from person to person. The same applies to the frequency of appointments. Two appointments that take place within 6-8 weeks have proven successful.
package price 2 appointments:
horse € 250.00plus journey
dog € 180.00plus journey
Included are the cranio-sacral sessions, application of essential oils and subsequent discussions/Whatsapp support.
Here are some more info on techniques I can use to accompany your animal.