
There can be several reasons when physical support is needed for our animals.
Problems in the musculoskeletal system or with the organs, metabolic changes or behavioral problems. Although our animals communicate with us in their own language to let us know that something is wrong, the signs are not always perceptible to everyone. It is important to understand that animals always have a reasonnot to do requested things. They would not refuse to annoy us or to please us. It's our job to find out WHY they don't want to or can't do certain things.
Here are a few examples:
  • do not want to be touched, even threats (baring teeth, flattening ears..) on certain parts of the body
  • Big ears when saddling
  • Grinding teeth while riding
  • don't want to run forward
  • Behavioral problems such as biting, kicking, bucking, aggressive behavior towards people and/or other animals.
  • refuse food
  • Animal seems absent
  • traumatized by accidents, falls or emotionally (often animals from animal shelters)
Hoften the smallest signs are missed, or it gets overout of ignorance, or to demonstrate dominance over the animal. However, for a good basis of trust between humans and animals and for the health of the animal, it is important to learn to recognize these signs before they lead to major conflicts, for example in handling. If you are unsure whether you are interpreting the signs of your animal correctly, you are welcome to contact me at any time and ask me. I'm available at any time. Better to ask too many questions than cause unnecessary suffering.

In the sessions with your animal, I am there with all my heart and give your animal the time it needs to allow the process. This always varies from person to person. The same applies to the frequency of appointments. Two appointments that take place within 6-8 weeks have proven successful.
package price 2 appointments:
horse € 250.00plus journey
dog € 180.00plus journey
Included are the cranio-sacral sessions, application of essential oils and subsequent discussions/Whatsapp support.
Here are some more info on techniques I can use to accompany your animal.

love trust connection respect

essential oils

craniosacral osteopathy

Hands are the extension of the heart and they allow me to connect deeply with the animal on a heart level. I gently feel energetic and physical blockages and dissolve them.
Physical and emotional traumas are stored in our cells, weakening the body and making it more susceptible to stress and illnesses. The body strives to let go of these cell memories in order to regain relaxation and balance. I use different techniques to help restore this state reach to allow the body to breathe again. This is also reflected in the behavior of the animal. It feels liberated and shows this not only physically, but also with emotional balance.
There can be several reasons when physical support is needed for our animals.
Problems in the musculoskeletal system or with the organs, metabolic changes or behavioral problems. Although our animals communicate with us in their own language to let us know that something is wrong, the signs are not always perceptible to everyone. It is important to understand that animals always have a reasonnot to do requested things. They would not refuse to annoy us or for whim. It's our job to find out WHY they don't want to or can't do certain things.
Here are a few examples:
  • not wanting to be touched on certain parts of the body, including threats (baring teeth, flattening ears...)
  • Big ears when saddling/harnessing
  • Grinding teeth while riding
  • don't want to run forward
  • Behavioral problems such as biting, kicking, bucking, aggressive behavior towards people and/or other animals.
  • refuse food
  • Animal seems absent
  • traumatized by accidents, falls or emotionally (often animals from animal shelters)
Often the smallest signs are overlooked or ignored out of ignorance or to demonstrate dominance over the animal. However, for a good basis of trust between humans and animals and for the health of the animal, it is important to learn to recognize these signs before they lead to major conflicts, for example in handling. If you are unsure whether you are interpreting the signs of your animal correctly, you are welcome to contact me at any time and ask me. I'm available at any time. Better to ask too many questions than cause unnecessary suffering.

In the sessions with your animal, I am there with all my heart and give your animal the time it needs to allow the process. This always varies from person to person. The same applies to the frequency of appointments. Two appointments that take place within 6-8 weeks have proven successful.
package price 2 appointments:
horse € 250.00plus journey
dog 180.00plus journey
Included are the cranio-sacral sessions, application of essential oils and subsequent discussions/Whatsapp support.
Here are some more info on techniques I can use to accompany your animal.

love trust connection respect

craniosacral osteopathy

Hands are the extension of the heart and they enable me to connect deeply with the animal on an intimate heart level. I gently feel energetic and physical blockages and dissolve them.
Physical and emotional traumas are stored in our cells, weakening the body and making it more susceptible to stress and illnesses. The body strives to let go of these cell memories in order to regain relaxation and balance. I use different techniques to help restore this state reach to allow the body to breathe again.
This is also reflected in the behavior of the animal.
It feels liberated and shows this not only physically, but also with emotional balance.

love trust connection respect

craniosacral osteopathy

Our hands are the extension of our heart. In my work, my hands help me at the deepest level of my heart to create a deep connection to the animal. I gently feel energetic and physical blockages and dissolve them. Like humans, animals are exposed to many stressful situations, have experienced illnesses, endured abuse, and carry these emotional and physical traumas. The longer these negative cellular memories remain in the body, the more they weaken the body. Characteristics of this are a wide variety of symptoms such as organic problems, weaknesses in the musculoskeletal system or behavioral problems. By gently tracking down and dissolving these memories in the cells through my hands, healthy cells can divide again and the previously existing problems are alleviated. All of this is an individual process and requires time, patience and loving support from people. If this is allowed, it greatly enhances the healing process for the animal.
Even if there are no problems, I recommend regular support as wellness so that your animal remains healthy. Especially important for horses that have an extra burden from carrying the saddle and the rider's weight.

essential oils

Animals are so much closer to nature and instinctively know what is good for them. Depending on where you need support, I offer you essential oils to accompany the therapy. Many traumatized animals are frightened or even aggressive, and just like us, this can result in physical discomfort as well. With essential oils, we create good access to them and can gently free them from their emotional prison with the soothing scents.

Essential oils have been among my faithful companions for several years, and they help me to relax the animal physically during osteopathic treatments.
The pure quality without chemical additives is decisive here, since the animals, as mentioned, react very sensitively to scents.


essential oils

Animals are so much closer to nature and instinctively know what is good for them. Depending on where you need support, I offer you essential oils to accompany the therapy. Many traumatized animals are frightened or even aggressive, and just like us, this can result in physical discomfort as well. With essential oils, we create good access to them and can gently free them from their emotional prison with the soothing scents. Essential oils have been among my faithful companions for several years, and they help me to relax the animal physically during osteopathic treatments. The pure quality without chemical additives is decisive here, since the animals, as mentioned, react very sensitively to scents.


A wonderful wellness treatment with essential oils that supports all body systems in their function.
This massage consists of a sequence of oils that are applied and worked in one after the other.
I recommend everyone to learn this wonderful wellness treatment themselves in order to support their animal emotionally and physically in its health.
A raindrop massage takes about 1 hour and costs €90 plus travel.

More information about the Raindrop-Technique®, seminars and videos that I offer can be found here.


A wonderful wellness treatment with essential oils that supports all body systems in their function.
This massage consists of a sequence of oils that are applied and worked in one after the other.
I recommend everyone to learn this wonderful wellness treatment themselves in order to support their animal emotionally and physically in its health.
A raindrop massage takes about 1 hour and costs €90 plus travel.

There is more information about the Raindrop-Technique®, seminars and videos that I offer here.
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