
Raindrop Seminars
There are some techniques that I am very happy to pass on.This includes the wonderfully supportive Raindrop technique. Here you will find more information.This wellness massage is not only reserved for therapists. I am always happy to encourage horse owners to learn this great technique and to support their animal's health.
The next dates at my place will take place from May and are listed below.
I am also happy to come to you if you would like to organize a seminar yourself.
Call me or send me an email!
0177 5079360
Raindrop Seminar
There are some techniques that I am very happy to pass on.
This includes the wonderfully supportive Raindrop Technique. There is more information about this here.

This wellness massage is not only reserved for therapists. I am always happy to encourage horse owners to learn this great technique and to support their animal's health.

The next dates at my place will take place from May, and will then be listed below.I am also happy to come to you if you would like to organize a seminar at your place.

love trust connection respect

love trust connection respect

Meditation with my animals is a very important part of my life. Connecting deeply with these healing beings is magical and grounding in these often hectic times.

Anyone who would like to have this experience of meditating in a group with animals is welcome to register for the regular meetings that will take place in my stable from May.

If you would like to have a private appointment to meditate with your animal at home, I would be happy to accompany you there.

If you would like to organize a one-day workshop at your location, I would be happy to come to you.
Feel free to get in touch, I look forward to hearing from you and your questions:
0177 5079360
Meditation with my animals is a very important part of my life. Connecting deeply with these healing beings is magical and grounding in these often hectic times.

Anyone who would like to have this experience of meditating in a group with animals is welcome to register for the regular meetings that will take place in my stable from May. If you would like to have a private appointment to meditate with your animal at home, I would be happy to accompany you.

If you would like to organize a one-day workshop at your location, I would be happy to come to you.

New dates for 2020 coming soon!
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